My Chipper is also my heart-string girl as i felt a force, like a string,coming from her little puppy body directly to my heart, reeling me in, as she sat in a little circular pen at a feed store with a rescue group some ten years ago. I had gone in to get some kitty litter and came out with my heart-string girl! She started earning her travel miles right away as she joined my big boy Bear and Miss Maria's kitty Fido Peanut on a seven thousand mile road trip right after we brought her home. She had not however gone on the road with me for work in quite awhile, sticking to errands around town while i am home. But that changed this past month.
Chipper is back on the road again as I make my way here and there to speaking and consulting gigs. I decided to take her with me for several reasons all boiling down to her being the greatest little travel dog ever and my selfish desire to have her by my side.
Taking pictures of Chipper on our journey however was not always easy as Chipper is very funny about cameras...we say that is her Cherokee heritage (Carolina dogs are the indigenous dogs of the Cherokees) and that she is afraid it will steal her soul. But I did manage to snap a few!
Here is Chipper with her helper dog halter on ready in her back seat queen of the road style!
here is Chipper watching out the back window
and one of my favorites, Chipper totally relaxing in her back seat
We saw much beauty in the stark open landscapes
and some inexplicable things too! This placement of newspaper racks inside a fenced area with a warning was totally inexplicable
and then there were the cows....lots of cows....Chipper LOVES cows!!
Chipper was often on high alert especially for cows....
but mostly Chipper simply relaxed and enjoyed being with her mama in the van off on another adventure....
Chipper is my heart string girl and so good for my heart in so many ways.
Chipper Cheyenne Kendrick
Carolina Dog Extraordinaire!
Always first in my heart