Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Blog for Health

Grimy Hands Girls\ Blogging

I Love Sharon Lovejoy's blogs- click on her grimy hands to go check it out......

Blogging is a wonderful helps you organize your thoughts and share those thoughts with others far and wide. Blogging serves as a tool for writing, and an exercise of the fingers as well as the mind.

I subscribe to many blogs and look to add additional ones each day. Most of the blogs I subscribe to are by fellow writers...we are each other’s best audience and I know my writer colleagues are my best support system.

I was just getting started with blogging when I took a break - or I should say a move caused me to take a break - it wasn’t long though before I realized that I felt especially “off” simply because I was NOT blogging. Seems that the move simply took all of my energy - are moves ever easy? And I had none left to blog- and I have thought about this. I think that the most healing thing I could be doing during the move throughout the trauma was to blog and yet I felt so depleted I was unable to. So I have made a promise to myself as part of the taking better care of me policy I have adopted. In times of stress especially when you feel zapped of energy, sit down and write- blog. It heals.

I am slowly but surely finding my rhythm again...helps that my office is finally getting more organized- To me there is nothing quite so discerning as not being able to find something when i reach for it- having things out of their place, I admit does start a bit of a panic in me. But the settling in and re-organization of the new office in the new home is part of the healing process too- because it helps me to write and again writing is healing. And as part of my writing exercises i am glad to have discovered blogging.

Blogging....soul searching or lighthearted ad libs....whatever the topic whatever the purpose- no matter if you write for only your eyes, no matter if you have hundreds of subscribers- blogging , writing is healing…write…above all else write.

Chery is a writer, blogger and workshop leader

1 comment:

  1. Dear Chery,

    I actually got GOOSEBUMPS when I read this. YES! You are so right about how blogging connects AND heals us. Maybe some wouldn't agree (some who don't blog), but I find this community to be loving, supportive, and too much more to mention.

    I really only started regularly blogging about a year ago. Until then it was sporadic, but I found myself looking forward to interacting with bloggers and anticipating comments and reconnections. I love it too and am grateful for all the friendships I've made on line.

    Thanks for stopping by and thanks for joining GRIMY HANDS GIRLS'!!

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
